MC HotDog 熱狗【髒藝術家 Disgusted Artist】Official MV

髒藝術家 Disgusted Artist
詞 Lyrics:MC HotDog熱狗
曲 Composer:MCHotDog熱狗
製作人 Producer:高仰辰 Tipsy Kao
編曲 Music Arranger:Dough-Boy
錄音師 Recording Engineer:康家豪 Caxton Kang
錄音工作室 Recording Studio:本色錄音室 True Color Studio
混音師 Mixing Engineer:林清智 Zachary Lin
混音工作室 Mixing Studio:全區通行錄音室 All Access Studio
母帶後期處理 Mastered by:林清智 Zachary Lin
母帶後期處理工作室 Mastering Studio:全區通行錄音室 All Access Studio
OP: 本色股份有限公司

我想要當藝術家 當藝術家
I want to be an artist be an artist
我想要當藝術家 當藝術家
I want to be an artist be an artist

I also want to be honest
But they don’t want to hear the truth
那世風日下 一起放棄衿持吧
Morality is going down let’s stop being reserved
沈默的艦隊 撒善意的謊言
The Silent Service tells white lies
冷漠的面對 那看戲的往前
Face it with indifference rubbernecks move forward
禍從口出 我握著我的佛珠
Trouble issues from the mouth prayer beads in my hand
改頭換面後 Face ID把我鎖住
After a makeover Face ID couldn’t recognize me
嘿 Siri說這不是你 你是懦夫
Hey Siri says this isn’t you you are a coward
A real artist could never be afraid of a dead end
我又被罵了 我又被罵了
I got trolled again I got trolled again
我不怪任何人 不過就是霸凌罷了
I blame no one it’s just cyberbullying
我都當爸了 或許被電到怕了
I’m a dad already maybe I’ve taken too much flame already
不怪auto-tune 我只是想念808了
I don’t blame auto-tune I just miss the 808 sound
我想念那個包廂 我想念那些真實的歌詞就像是鐵打的刀槍
I miss the table in the nightclub and I miss real lyricism like weapons made of steel
我無能為力 看誰又要遭殃
There’s nothing I can do for those who are going to suffer
Everyone is standing on the moral high ground to pull the trigger

我想要當藝術家 當藝術家
I want to be an artist be an artist
Throw mud at me and I become a disgusted artist
抽象一幅畫 或許他註定會掛
An abstract painting perhaps he will die eventually
想做有史上 牛屎上 最香的一束花
wanna be the most fragrant flower grown from cow dung

看看你的矛 再檢查你的盾
Look at your spear and check your shield
真的找上你了你要怎麼逃 要怎麼混
How are you going to escape and fool around when it comes looking for you?
一個沒有答案的問題 你要怎麼問
How do you ask a question without an answer
那個該死的藝術啊 它真是折磨人
The goddamn art torments me
藝術家要保持神秘感 他最好餓死
An artist needs to be mysterious better yet starve to death
只要你賺到了錢 你就像用來擦屁股的廁紙
Once you made money you became the toilet paper
好像 好香 我連大便都是香的
As if I take fragrant shit
好嗆 你的老鄉 我的故事就像是個Drama
I spit real shit my story is a drama

really dramatic
歷史變成黑色的 可能只需要你一句話
It only takes a few words of you to be hated
To satisfy the freeloaders you must paint a rosy picture
早就沒有回頭路了 籌碼只好繼續下
There’s no turning back so I keep putting up chips
像仿的藝術品 他反而記住你
A piece of counterfeit artwork is actually recognized
The artist from the streets needs just a pen
Even if he is nameless he lives in your memory
敬藝術家們 Do you remember me?
To all the artists do you remember me